야채볶음밥 Stir-fried rice
감자 당근 아스파라거스 풋고추 잘게 다이스. 소금, 후추 올리브기름에 볶다가 밥 넣고 뚜껑 닫아 한번 김 올린후 섞어 낸다.
- Ingredients: Potato, Asparagus, Green pepper, Salt and pepper, Olive oil, Rice
Dice Vegetable and stir fry with salt and pepper in Olive oil until potatoes look transparent.
Add rice and cover the pan until the sizzling sound is gone.
더덕무침 Seasoned Deodeok
깐 더덕을 두들겨 잘게 다진후 초고추장양념에 무친다.
- Ingredients: Peeled Deodeok and Cho-gochujang
Pound Deodeok to flatten and mix with Cho-gochujang (Red pepper pasted, Maesil syrup, Vinegar, sesame seed)
밑반찬 김, 김치
Serve with kimchi and Gim