빡빡장 (Ppak-ppak-jang)
풋고추3 감자1/2 호박1/2 표고버섯3 아스파라거스 5개. 잘게 썰어 볶다가 재료 익으면 물1컵,된장 2큰술, 밀가루 1ts, 설탕1ts, 넣고 우루루 한번.
Ingredients: Green pepper 3, potato 1/2, shitake mushroom 3, asparagus 5, water 1C, soybean paste 2T, flour 1ts, sugar 1ts
- Dice green pepper, potato, shitake mushroom, asparagus into small pieces (size of peas)
- Stir-fry diced vegetables with little bit of oil until potato transparent.
- Add water, soy bean paste, flour, sugar and boil until it becomes thick like paste
Leafy vegetable like lettuce
밑반찬은 콩장
Serve with Kong-jang (Black bean boiled down in soy sauce)