매실 비빔국수 Noodle with Maesil
- 재료ㅡ오이 1 매실장아찌, 국수, 양념고추장, 로즈마리 약간.레몬청조금.
Ingredients: Cucumber 1, Sweetened Maesil fruit (saved maesil fruit after making maesil syrup) 1C, Noodle (Somen), Marinated Gochujang (maesil syrup, soysauce, sesame seed oil, gochujang), Rosemary leaves, Sweetened lemon
-매실장아찌 한컵 쫑쫑 다진다.
Chop one cup of sweetened maesil fruit
-양념고추장, 레몬청 넣고 무친다.
Cook noodle in boiling water.
Mix with marinated gochujang and sweetened lemon.
-오이채와 로즈마리 여린잎 훑어서 다져 위에 올린다.
Garnish with shredded cucumber and minced rosemary leaves
감자 조림 potato jorim
-재료ㅡ감자2 아스파라거스 1/2단 청고추1 송이버섯 있는 거. 메이플시럽
Ingredients: Potato 2, Asparagus 1/2 bunch, Green pepper 1, White mushroom 1/2 pack, Maple syrup
-감자 적당히 얇게 썬다. 아스파라거스 어슷썬다.청고추 쏭쏭, 송이 슬라이스
Slice Potatoes and white mushrooms
Cut asparagus into bite size and chop green peppers
-물 반컵과 모든 재료 함께 넣고, 메이플1 진간장1 소금 기름 후추 넣고 자작하게 조린다
In a pot, add all ingredients with 1/2 cup of water, Maple syrup 1, soy sauce 1, salt, olive oil, and black pepper.
Bring to boil and turn the heat down to low.
Simmer until potatoes get soften.
미역국 Seaweed soup
-재료ㅡ미역 표고버섯 참기름1 국간장2
Ingredients: seaweed, shitake mushroom, sesame seed oil 1, soy sauce for soup 2
-미역 한줌 물에 불려 빠듣빠득 씻음. 표고버섯 담가논거 얇게 저밈.
Soak one hand full of dried seaweed in water. Wash the seaweed by rubbing it self.
Soak dried shitake mushroom in water and slice them.
-미역,표고, 표고가루, 참기름 국간장 넣고 양념이 미역에 배도록 볶음
Stir fry seaweed, shitake mushroom, sesame seed oil, and soy sauce for soup until the seaweed is marinated.
-물 한컵 넣고 일단 끓임. 물 사람수 보고 넣기, 소금 간 하기
Add one cup of water and bring it to boil.
Add one cup of water per person.
밑반찬 신선초 장아찌
Serve with pickled Ashitaba leaves