칼국수 Kalguksoo (Knife cut noodle soup)
-재료: 칼국수 면, 호박, 새송이 버섯
국수 어느정도 익으면 호박 채썰고 버섯 채썰어 같이 끓인다
-Ingredients: Knife cut noodle, zucchini, King Trumpet mushrooms , soy sauce, red pepper powder, green pepper
- Make vegetable broth with Kombu, gajuk(Toona tree leaves), dried shitake mushroom
- Julienne zucchini
- Wash off excessive flour on the knife cut noodle and cook in the vegetable broth
- When the noodle cook a half way how you want to cook, add zucchini and Shitake mushroom
Topping Sauce
- Mix soy sauce, red pepper powder, Chopped green pepper together
감자 조림 potato jorim
-재료ㅡ감자2 아스파라거스 1/2단, 청고추1, 표고버섯, 메이플시럽
Ingredients: Potato 2, Asparagus 1/2 bunch, Green pepper 1, Shitake mushrooms 3, Maple syrup
-감자 적당히 얇게 썬다. 아스파라거스 어슷썬다.청고추 쏭쏭, 버섯 슬라이스
Slice Potatoes and mushrooms
Cut asparagus into bite size and chop green peppers
-물 반컵과 모든 재료 함께 넣고, 메이플1 진간장1 소금 기름 후추 넣고 자작하게 조린다
In a pot, add all ingredients with 1/2 cup of water, Maple syrup 1, soy sauce 1, salt, olive oil, and black pepper.
Bring to boil and turn the heat down to low.
Simmer until potatoes get soften.