***호박범벅 Hobak-Bumbeok
감자3 호박2팩 팥 2컵 밀가루 3컵
Ingredients: Potatoes 3, Butternut squash 2 pack, Red bean 2cups, Flour 3 cups
ㅡ늙은 호박과 감자를 깍둑 썰어서 냄비에 넣고 삶은 팥을 넣고 물을 잠기게 붓고 오래 끓인다.
(Two packs of prepared butternut squash was a substitution of Winter squash)
- Boil the red bean and drain the water set a side.
- Dice squash and potatoes into bite size and transfer into a pot with the red bean.
- Fill water until ingredients are covered.
- Boil it till squash and potatoes turned mush.
ㅡ멍글몽글하게 밀가루 반죽을 해 뒀다가 재료가 다 익으면 훌훌 뿌린다.
- In a bowl, mix 3 cups of flour and 1 table spoon of water at a time to make small pieces of lump of flour mixture like rice. Make sure that the flour mixture is not one dough.
- Scatter flour mixture into the pot and cook.
ㅡ익을 때까지 끓인후 소금 설탕약간 넣고 간 한다. 설탕은 옵션
- When the flour mixture fully cooked, add salt and sugar. Sugar is optional.
ㅡ다된 모양은 죽이 아니고 밥모양으로 되게
- It shouldn't be watery like portage but like cooked rice.
***양배추 샐러드 Cabbage salad
ㅡ양배추 채 썰어서 비건마요 감식초 케첩약간 넣어서 버무린다. 풀 죽으면 후추와 바질 조금 뿌린다.
- Slice a head of cabbage
- Mix with vegan mayo, ketchup, and persimmon vinegar.
- Mix with pepper and basil before serving.
***밑반찬 총각김치
Serve with young radish kimchi