감자왁자지 Potato Wakjahjee
재료ㅡ감자4 당근 2 풋고추3 가죽장아찌 약간 표고버섯 5 고추가루 후추 소금 간장 고추장 1ts 들기름
Ingredients: Potatoes 4, Carrot 2, Green pepper 3, little bit of Pickled Gajook, Dried Shiitake mushroom 5, Red pepper flakes, Black Pepper, Salt, Soy sauce, Gochujang 1ts, Perilla oil
- 감자는 큼지막하게 요래조래 어슷썬다.
Cut potatoes into bite size pieces.
- 표고 불린거 심자로 4등분 한다
Soak dried shiitake mushroom over a night in a refrigerator.
Cut shiitake mushrooms into quarters.
-당근 적당크기로 썬다
Cut carrots into bite size pieces.
-모든 재료 감자에 넣고 주물럭해서 간 배게 좀 둔다. 물 검자 잠길만큼 넣고 자작하게 끓인다.
In a pot, mix all the ingredients and let them sit for about 15 min. Add water till potatoes are covered
Boil until the water reduced by half.
양배추겉절이 Cabbage Salad
재료ㅡ양배추 1/2 파프리카1 소금 생강 설탕 감식초 레몬청
Ingredients: Cabbage 1/2, Bell pepper 1, Salt, Ginger, Sugar, Persimmon Vinegar, Preserved Lemon in honey
- 파프리카, 작은 다이스.
Dice bell pepper into small pieces
-양배추, 듬성듬성 썰어서 설짝 절여둠. 풀 죽으면
Chop cabbage. Salt it and let it sit until soft and flexible.
-파프리카, 양념 넣고 무치기. 새콤달콤
Mix all ingredients. Sweet and sour
밑반찬 올리브
Pour Potato Wakjahjee over the rice and serve with cabbage salad and olive.