***감자 칼국수 Potato Kalguksoo (knife cut noodle soup)
감자2 칼국수 인원수. 소금. 표고버섯 약간
Ingredients: Potato 2, Kalguksoo noodle for 9 people, salt, shitake mushroom 6
ㅡ채수 내고, 감자 ,버섯 얇게 채썰어 넣고 익을 때까지 끓이다가 칼국수 넣고 끓인후 간 한다.
- Vegetable broth
- Shred potato and shitake mushroom
- Boil vegetable broth, add potato and mushroom until potato is cooked.
- Add noodle and boil until cooked
- Salt the broth
***연근조림 Lotus root Jorim
연근 시럽 흙설탕 진간장 식용유 식초
Ingredients: Lotus root, maple syrup, brown sugar, soy sauce, vegetable oil, vinegar
ㅡ연근 껍질 벗겨 썰어 물넣고 식초 한스푼 넣고 끓여준다. 투명해지도록 삶이서 찬물에 헹군다.
- Peel lotus roots and slice them into 0.8 cm thickness.
- Boil lotus roots with water and 1 Table spoon of vinegar until them turns transparent
- Rince with cold water.
ㅡ물 머리위까지 넣고 기름 1 흙설탕 1/2 시럽 2 참기름 조금 술 1 진간장 3 넣고 끓인다. 오래. 자작.
-In a pot, fill water just until cover the lotus roots, add vegetable oil 1T, brown sugar 1/2T, maple syrup 2T, little bit of sesame seed oil, cooking alcohol 1T, soy sauce 3T
- Boil down for long time until the water is evaporated
***두부 부침 Pan fried tofu with seasoning
두부, 양념간장
Ingredients: Tofu, soy sauce seasoning
ㅡ두부를 썰어 소금간 약간 해서 부친다.
- Slice tofu ,1 cm thickness, and pan fry
ㅡ접시에 넣고 뜨거울 때 양념장 1ts씩 얹는다.
- Move cooked tofu onto plate and place 1ts of soy sauce seasoning (tofu should be hot)
밑반찬 배추 김치.
Serve with Kimchi