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주지스님 에세이
- 미국중, 만난사람-
Mujindeung is a newspaper column, written by the Abbot Dong Jin at Younghwasa, that appears in the Religion Section of the Korea Times/SF. It is updated the last Thursday of the month.
**한국일보에 연재되었던 주지스님의 칼럼인 무진등은 2023년 12월을 마지막으로 연재가 종료 되었습니다. 아래 무진등 읽으러 가기 버튼을 누르면 칼럼을 읽을 수 있습니다.
Korean temple foods are vegetable dishes cooked without Oshinchae (garlic, green onion, chive, wild rocambole, and asafetida). The Seon Monk's dishes contain the taste and flavor of nature. You will be awakened by the taste of ingredients.
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